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Configuration data orchestration starts here.

Get our Config Catalyst Tool and streamline your config data in under 10 minutes.

  • Minimize changes
  • Maximize ROI
  • Free teams from manual toil
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13 million leaked secrets last year, 90% are unresolved for 5+ days

5 million outage hours last year, 80% are caused by secrets & config data errors

Chronic configuration errors cause shipping delays

US annually: 500 million hours wasted chasing config bugs 

Here’s how The Config Catalyst works.

Step 1 - Scan repos

All configuration files (JSON, YAML, ENV, HCL, TF_Var, etc..) are identified.

Step 2 - Import & organize

Creates parameterized templates automatically with linked parameters and secrets to the source parameter/secret store.

The Result - Parameterized templates

Parameter and secret changes can be reflected in all the config files that use/depend on them.




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See how CloudTruth secures your apps with accurate secrets and
config data without changing what you do today.