The CloudTruth CLI import config command is the fastest way to import your existing configuration.
In this example, we describe how to use the CLI to import a .ENV file and automatically create CloudTruth parameters.
The CloudTruth CLI is a flexible way to import and manage your configuration.
The CloudTruth CLI is open-source and available for your inspection. The CLI is written in the flexible Rust language and supports a wide range of target operating systems.
In order to use this utility, you must have an active CloudTruth account and generate a personal access token for authenticating with the API.
The CloudTruth CLI tool has several ways of configuring it, allowing you to pick whichever method is most suitable for your environment. You can configure the application using:
A configuration file
Environment variables
Command-line arguments
Both the CLI and the CloudTruth web app are built on an open REST API allowing the customer to extend platform functionality.
The “import config command” supports local .ENV files as well as importing from parameter and secrets API-access services such as AWS Secret Manager and AWS SSM Parameter Store.
Use the CloudTruth CLI “run command” to overlay our environment variables directly from the CloudTruth project we imported into. In the screencast above you will see that the run command was used to printenv environment and grep for the flask variables that were just imported.
Now we can call an application directly from the CloudTruth run command, and it will source those variables directly from CloudTruth. No need for ENV files!